
Friendly environment
Marine indsutry
  • GW series
  • GV series
  • GC series
  • GA/GQ series
  • Ocean engineering
  • Coupling & Damper
Energy indsutry
  • Wind power
  • Solar power
  • Thermal power
  • Nuclear power
Friendly environment
  • HP roller press
  • Shredder
Cement industry
  • Vertical mill gearbox
  • Roller press gearbox
  • Ball mill gearbox
  • Rotary kiln gearbox
Metallurgy indstury
  • Hot-rolled mill gearbox
  • Cold-rolled mill gearbox
  • Rod-Wire mill gearbox
Hydraulic engineering industry
  • Inclined ship lifte
  • Vertical Ship lifter
Rail transit industry
  • Turnout
  • Tramcar
  • Monorail
  • Subway
Mining industry
  • Heading driving gearbox
  • Continuous mining gearbox
  • Travellin gearbox
Petrochemical industry
  • Shale gas
  • High speed gearbox
  • Multi-shaft Compressor gear
  • universal gearbox

For different materials and applications, the solid waste pre-treatment crusher performs its function through mutual shearing, tearing, and squeezing between the cutter heads to achieve the purpose of reducing the size of the materials. It is featured by low speed, large torque, high efficiency, high wear resistance, and low costs of operation and maintenance. It is widely applied into the crushing pretreatment of domestic waste, kitchen waste, hazardous waste, bulky waste, garden waste, scrap tires, electronic waste and other materials, thereby promoting the mechanized and pollution-free treatment of domestic solid waste.


乌兰察布市| 垫江县| 北碚区| 新民市| 潼南县| 宾阳县| 普兰县| 太白县| 惠安县| 沛县| 桃园县| 台湾省| 武鸣县| 阜南县| 育儿| 崇信县| 厦门市| 合川市| 伊吾县| 调兵山市| 三穗县| 龙胜| 张家港市| 营山县| 阿拉尔市| 华安县| 赤壁市| 孟津县| 嘉祥县| 海丰县| 许昌县| 商城县| 三河市| 山西省| 共和县| 辰溪县| 嘉峪关市| 禹州市| 泾阳县| 买车| 泰顺县|