
Product Display
Marine indsutry
  • GW series
  • GV series
  • GC series
  • GA/GQ series
  • Ocean engineering
  • Coupling & Damper
Energy indsutry
  • Wind power
  • Solar power
  • Thermal power
  • Nuclear power
Friendly environment
  • HP roller press
  • Shredder
Cement industry
  • Vertical mill gearbox
  • Roller press gearbox
  • Ball mill gearbox
  • Rotary kiln gearbox
Metallurgy indstury
  • Hot-rolled mill gearbox
  • Cold-rolled mill gearbox
  • Rod-Wire mill gearbox
Hydraulic engineering industry
  • Inclined ship lifte
  • Vertical Ship lifter
Rail transit industry
  • Turnout
  • Tramcar
  • Monorail
  • Subway
Mining industry
  • Heading driving gearbox
  • Continuous mining gearbox
  • Travellin gearbox
Petrochemical industry
  • Shale gas
  • High speed gearbox
  • Multi-shaft Compressor gear
  • universal gearbox
Marine industry


Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd. has researched and developed various types of marine gearboxes, including relevant drawings and standards for the design, manufacture and test of products of GW, GV, and GC series. Our companyalso has mastered the core technology of marine gearbox design and processing so theunique needs of users can be met. According to the development needs of our company as well as the current domestic and international market demand for marine gearboxes, our company has carried out the research and development of the gearboxes of GQ/GA series and the jack-up lifting gearbox of the jacking systemof offshore drilling platform, and has undertaken many national key research projects. Thus we have accumulated rich experience in such aspects.


平泉县| 色达县| 禹州市| 彩票| 通辽市| 临江市| 磴口县| 丰台区| 阳泉市| 武定县| 梓潼县| 延寿县| 丹棱县| 舒兰市| 佛坪县| 抚远县| 玉龙| 呼玛县| 南阳市| 治县。| 信阳市| 泌阳县| 修水县| 修武县| 缙云县| 包头市| 长阳| 台东市| 青海省| 金坛市| 清徐县| 云浮市| 怀安县| 台东县| 防城港市| 辽阳市| 吉木乃县| 兰西县| 汉寿县| 南澳县| 湾仔区|