
Friendly environment
Marine indsutry
  • GW series
  • GV series
  • GC series
  • GA/GQ series
  • Ocean engineering
  • Coupling & Damper
Energy indsutry
  • Wind power
  • Solar power
  • Thermal power
  • Nuclear power
Friendly environment
  • HP roller press
  • Shredder
Cement industry
  • Vertical mill gearbox
  • Roller press gearbox
  • Ball mill gearbox
  • Rotary kiln gearbox
Metallurgy indstury
  • Hot-rolled mill gearbox
  • Cold-rolled mill gearbox
  • Rod-Wire mill gearbox
Hydraulic engineering industry
  • Inclined ship lifte
  • Vertical Ship lifter
Rail transit industry
  • Turnout
  • Tramcar
  • Monorail
  • Subway
Mining industry
  • Heading driving gearbox
  • Continuous mining gearbox
  • Travellin gearbox
Petrochemical industry
  • Shale gas
  • High speed gearbox
  • Multi-shaft Compressor gear
  • universal gearbox
HP roller press


As a complete set of mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic equipment, the high-pressure roller mill adopts the principle of high-pressure material layer crushing. It is mainly appliable in crushing and grinding of materials with compressive strength less than 300MPa, protodyakonov scale of hardness within 5-16 and humidity less than 10%, and is featured by large crushing ratio, fine discharging particle size, output increase and consumption reduction.If the material undergoes high-pressure extrusion, a large number of cracks will be generated inside, and the Bond work index will be reduced, which can effectively reduce the grinding power consumption of the subsequent mill.



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