
Marine industry
Marine indsutry
  • GW series
  • GV series
  • GC series
  • GA/GQ series
  • Ocean engineering
  • Coupling & Damper
Energy indsutry
  • Wind power
  • Solar power
  • Thermal power
  • Nuclear power
Friendly environment
  • HP roller press
  • Shredder
Cement industry
  • Vertical mill gearbox
  • Roller press gearbox
  • Ball mill gearbox
  • Rotary kiln gearbox
Metallurgy indstury
  • Hot-rolled mill gearbox
  • Cold-rolled mill gearbox
  • Rod-Wire mill gearbox
Hydraulic engineering industry
  • Inclined ship lifte
  • Vertical Ship lifter
Rail transit industry
  • Turnout
  • Tramcar
  • Monorail
  • Subway
Mining industry
  • Heading driving gearbox
  • Continuous mining gearbox
  • Travellin gearbox
Petrochemical industry
  • Shale gas
  • High speed gearbox
  • Multi-shaft Compressor gear
  • universal gearbox
GV series

GVseries has the function of parallel operation, with clutch or without clutch, while Gearbox has clutch (the ones of GVA series don’t have clutch), deceleration and parallel operation, bearing the function of propeller thrust and PTO output. The integrated thrust bearing has the high performance of rigidity and power transfer.

1.The gearbox of GVW and GVL series, which are double-input and multiple-output ones of parallel operation, with clutch, deceleration, bearing thrust and output or input functions of power branch, can be further divided into several models. 

2.The speed ratio of the marine gearbox of this series ranges from 2:1 to 4.5:1, and center-to-centerspacing from 2000mmto 4100mm.

五河县| 张北县| 张掖市| 大港区| 农安县| 电白县| 那坡县| 京山县| 商城县| 龙游县| 伊金霍洛旗| 隆安县| 巨鹿县| 达孜县| 珲春市| 巴马| 双鸭山市| 镇坪县| 文水县| 漳浦县| 封丘县| 黄平县| 建平县| 胶州市| 平顶山市| 布拖县| 威信县| 保亭| 连南| 宜良县| 鹤壁市| 固安县| 托里县| 巴南区| 怀远县| 深水埗区| 万全县| 利川市| 绿春县| 延吉市| 内江市|